Bro and Dad at Portland Head Light |
We've taken a break from updating the blog, due to the fact that Quebec City just kicked our butts, in a good way (up early, out late) and I haven't been able to get a blog update out till after 4am, and then getting up again at 6am after a quick nap - at this point I just need some sleep in order to be a good ride captain. This morning (Day 9) we had breakfast in Rutland VT, stopped in Bennington VT to look at some covered bridges, and made it just south of Harrisburg, PA for dinner. A pretty long day.
Rest assured - Dad's bike was fixed in Vermont, and the repair seems to have solved the throttle non-response - its been humming along ever since. We lost several hours due to that repair, and have been running behind about 60 miles behind schedule since leaving Quebec (we're currently in Harrisburg PA, and should be home by late afternoon Sunday)
I'll have days 7, 8 and 9 as soon as we take the wheels off when we get home. We're all missing family and friends at this point, and due to NY and PA traffic, ready to be home.
BTW - The rumours are true - there IS a video in the middle of the Day 5, you just need to click it to play it (to see me pretending to go fast).
Also, its very helpful to the author for you to leave comments on this blog, if you are so inclined.